He throws the cage in the water tank and it sinks like a stone, proving Catwoman’s story was horseshit. He wheels out a big tank of water and the jaguar cage which he says is built of Brazilian pepper tree wood, which has a density one-and-a-half times that of water.
In the court room, Two Face says she’s full of shit and he can prove it. Is that Celine Dion I hear in the background?

Not wanting to give up her loot or her pet, Catwoman kicked Batman into the water and he drowned. He surfaced again and grabbed the cage, but it started sinking. Catwoman, her jaguar, and her loot ended up floating on top of the jaguar’s cage, while Batman went into the river. Catwoman then took off in her car, but was confronted on a bridge by the Batmobile. Batman pounded Catwoman’s henchmen and nabbed her, but got conked out by another thug.

The repeated words “Two Face” referred to Catwoman herself, since the robbers worked for her and the thug had been seeking a safe place to hide. He’d noticed vibrissae-whiskers from a jaguar-on the unconscious crook and knew Catwoman had drugged him. She went to her country hideout to pack, but Batman followed her and said he knew she was still crooked. Batman let her go, saying he hoped she really had reformed, but she hadn’t (naturally), so she decided to skip town to stay clear of Batman. Ra’s sides with her, so she goes back to her tale. At the trial, Two Face gives Catwoman shit, thinking she’s trying to sett him up for something, but she swears she’s telling the story just as it happened. She insisted she’d gone straight, and when Batman examined the unconscious thug, all he would say was “Two Face” over and over. She followed and knocked him out, but when Batman came in to grab the last crook, he recognized Catwoman. Batman showed up and pounded them, except for one guy who fled to “Claudine’s” office. She was hosting a sexy party when a bunch of thugs busted in to rob all the rich guests. She claims she’d gone legit (or pretended to, at least) as a fashion designer named Madame Claudine. But she insists she’s responsible for Batman’s death and proceeds to tell her story in flashback. Two Face points out the unlikelihood of that, considering she was hot for Batman and she has a well-known stricture against killing. The first claimant for the title of Batman’s killer is Catwoman.
Numerous other costumed villains (Captain Stingaree, Killer Moth, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum) are in attendance, plus a bunch of run-of-the-mill crooks.

Everything is done just like a trial, with Ra’s Al Ghul as judge, Two Face as prosecutor, and a jury made up of Poison Ivy, Mad Hatter, Spook, Scarecrow, Signalman, and Mr. So Batman’s Rogues Gallery convene to hear testimony from villains claiming to be Batman’s killer. We start out with the news that Batman is dead, but nobody is able to agree on where or how it happened. This is the beginning of a four-part story about Batman being dead and different villains trying to take credit for killing him. Search for: Tags Action Comics Amazing Spider-Man Avengers Batman Bill Mantlo Captain America Captain Marvel Carmine Infantino Cary Bates Charlton Chris Claremont Curt Swan Daredevil Dave Cockrum DC Denny O'Neil Detective Comics Dick Ayers Dick Dillin Dick Giordano E.Batman #291 – “Where Were You on the Night Batman Was Killed?” – David V. 5BC: Five Best Unofficial Marvel and DC Crossovers